I mowed the lawn and cleaned the yard this morning, and I decided to spray the leaves and dog poop with the hose to clean off the cement in one, fell swoop. It actually did a great job and as I stood there, washing the dirt away, I was amazed how water has such a forceful, cleansing effect on whatever it comes in contact with. It was kind of hypnotizing and it reminded me of a sermon Pastor Rich Thomas preached a long time ago on Simpson Street. It was so poignant, that I'll never forget it. The ministry I was involved with at the time, was on Simpson Street in Madison, Wisconsin. We ministered to the poor in this community, giving them the one hope they could always turn to and rely on: Jesus. I loved being a part of this ministry because those folks had very little in the way of materialism, but what they longed for was God . It's always refreshing when people are hungry for the things of God and you don't have to "prove" to them, that they need Jesus. They ...