Dirt Balls

The person we gossip and complain about, many times have similarities to our own selves, that we may actually disdain, but don’t easily identify. It’s far easier to point the finger at someone else and their faults, than to examine ourselves, recognize and then acknowledge them. Sometimes we behave as if we’ve already reached some kind of pinnacle of perfection, and all “those other people” are poor, pathetic sinners. However, we’re making a judgment call from the “outside,” not fully knowing the extent of the whole matter. How wrong we are to judge anyone else for any reason. “If I justify myself, mine own mouth shall condemn me: if I say, I am perfect, it shall also prove me perverse.” Job 9:20 KJV

I was counseling with one of the pastors recently and something he kept saying really stuck with me. (Actually a LOT stuck with me, and I was incredibly helped by his ministry.) “We’re really “dirt balls,” he said, "and nothing more." (His interpretation of the Bible calling us dust.) "I’m absolutely NOTHING without God.” He said that many times during our discussion, to help it sink in. Sometimes we hear something, but it doesn’t “register.” This time, it did for me.

We are so much LESS than what we think we are -- outside of God, that is. Most of us, live our lives, demanding this and demanding that, and if someone has ignored or slighted us, not given us the ministry or promotion we think we deserve, then we get deeply offended. Some of us even live our entire lives with the mindset that the world owes us something! Really? I must have missed that class in school. Whoever or whatever planted that belief in your mind, did you a great disservice. Not only does the world not owe us something, we should be the ones to contribute positive and healthy attributes to our families, friends and social circles - not the other way around. As my kids used to say, "Don't get it twisted!" Sometimes, we even expect God to give us every whim and desire of our hearts, and if He chooses not to, we throw a quiet temper tantrum in the corner. If we were to EVER get what we ACTUALLY deserved, we would be instantly annihilated by the hand of God. Yeah, you'll never see me with a demanding attitude toward God. I actually have more sense than that, even though I am a dirt ball.

People, we are HIS clay, HIS handiwork - not the other way around. We are the sheep not the shepherds, of HIS pasture. “For in HIM we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also HIS OFFSPRING.” Acts 17:28 KJV (Caps are my emphasis.)

Why do we demand our rights, insist on our own way and seek revenge on those who we feel have “done us wrong?” I think the answer is simple - we haven't “died out to ourselves.” Our SELVES are still WAY too important. My opinion, even in this Blog, outside of God, means absolutely nothing when it comes right down to it. It’s like being in a group of people, arguing about politics. Everyone has their opinion and voices it with fervor, arguing their point. Does this discussion change politics on a national level? Of course not. That little group of exchanges, means absolutely nothing, except for perhaps causing some hurt feelings.

And so, I have a deeper, and yet extremely simpler, view of myself in the whole picture of life. It doesn’t mean that I’ll never struggle again or lose my temper again or demand that which I think I deserve again; but it does mean that when I finally stop my conniption fit, ask God to forgive me and then think about each situation, I’ll be reminded that I’m really just a dirt ball, desperately needing the grace and mercy and divine leading and protection of God...


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